European Union Law - 3rd Edition

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European Union Law is written for students on LLB and GDL courses and aims to reflect developments in legal education. The book fully explores the core areas of European Union law, whilst setting them in a contextual and practical framework. Its writing style is accessible to all.
To show how the law applies in reality, key cases are summarised and explained in discrete boxes, and the structure of European Union law is abundantly illustrated with diagrams, tables and other visual aids. At the end of each chapter, summaries enable students to remember the main relevant points, and, to encourage them to engage further with the law, there are suggested reading lists.

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    About the Author

    Christian Dadomo
    Christian Dadomo is a Senior Lecturer in European Law at the Faculty of Business and Law of the University of the West of England. Formerly a lecturer at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques and the Institut des Hautes Etudes Européennes (Strasbourg University), he teaches European Union law on the LLB degree and the GDL, and International Competition Law and Policy and European Environmental law and Policy on the LLM programmes.
    Noëlle Quénivet is an Associate Professor in International Law and Head of the International Law and Human Rights Unit at the Faculty of Business and Law of the University of the West of England. She teaches European Union Law, Public International Law and International Humanitarian Law.

    Publication Details

    • Due July 2020
    • Paperback
    • 435 pages approx
    • £33.99
    • ISBN 9781916243118